Monday, August 28, 2006

部落格裡的世界/ Inside Blog

It's actually more fun surfing around blogs than watching TV. You'll never know what you may find at the next corner.

最近找到了從小就愛的科幻作家張系國的部落格 ( 張系國的快活林 ),和之前說過的李碧華的部落格頗有異曲同工之妙,張系國的部落格裡放的都是他為中國時報所寫的專欄文章,但根據文章後頭往往會加註一小段話的情形看來,張系國或許真的有在關注他的部落格也說不定。半夜十二點,上去看看更新的文章,然後對其中某位留言者有了小小的厭倦,靈機一動想找出他的相關資料,卻在搜尋的時候發現了一篇熱點文章,講的是一個心理測驗能讓你知道自已下輩子會是哪一國人,看看也好,文章的作者算出的命運是日本人,順著連結到了一個叫做QuizFarm的網站,原來心理測驗這種事紅到可以有自已的網站,問題看來都還ok,所以下手就玩。
Just found the blog of a sci-fi novelist, Chang, Shi-Kuo, who's work effected my writing style. Like the other writer I'd talked in my first blog article, I highly doubted whether the blog was operated by Chang himself. But since there would be some highlighted statements appear at the end of posted articles, I assume Chang is keeping an eye on this blog somehow. Anyway, when clock stroke mid-night, I went on his blog to see new postings but got annoyed by one of the reader who left a lot stuff on Chang's blog. I was intended to find out who this person really is but end up attracted by another article about an interesting quiz. The writer said he did a quiz about what will people be after reborn and the result said he'll become a Japanese in his next life. This is something I would certainly try myself, so with a left click I went to the site via hyperlinks.

There were 40 questions that didn't take me too long to finish. The result was there right after I submitted my answers, but HongKonger?... Along the over 50% chance line are Japanese and French... Well...





















What will you be after reborn? (translation)
created with

雖然最近是迷港劇過份了點,但香港。。。很擠也。。。我明明答了喜歡住寬廣的地方的呀,難道是不該答走路速度太快那題? 除此之外,我下輩子會是個新加坡人的機率只有5%,可見我沒辦法守太多規矩,這輩子如此,下輩子也跑不了,這點倒還蠻準的。不過,看了結果,我是不是還是註定要去把日文和法文學一學了呢?
I know I am a little too enthusiastic about HongKong made dramas, but HongKong is a pretty crowded place to be... I am sure I said that I'd like to live at spacious place, so would it be the answer "I walk really fast" sold me out? Besides that, I only have 5% chance to become a Singaporean, which suits me well though for I can't obey too much rules either in this life or next. Only one thought for now... Maybe I really should start to learn Japanese and French...


离家离上瘾的老人 said...

You scored as British.
British 85%
German 70%
Chinese 60%
HongKonger 60%
Japanese 60%
Aussie 50%
French 50%
American 35%
Singaporean 25%
Taiwanese 15%

well i did the quiz twice.. the first time i was a german at 80% and a brit at 75%.. so i guess my answers are pretty much consistent.. I did think of moving to Germany or Britain when I was studying in the UK so maybe I am too conditioned to them to the extent of being a Brit or a German in my next life.. that's something to ponder on..hah
interesting quiz to take for fun..

小路 said...

Dear 老人,
I'd love to become a British, at least I don't have to learn another language. :P

To be frankly, I like NYC a lot, not just because I lived there for 4yrs, but because it has the big city atmosphere I like and the surburban within reach... Wonder if another try will lead me back to the desire track?

离家离上瘾的老人 said...

frankly, I love Europe. never been to NY but heard that it's a melting pot of cultures, so it should be interesting. However, never liked the American attitude.. or perhaps it's just because of Bush?