8:30 AM 09/11/2001, woke up to watch the news about NYC mayor election and hope Bloomberg won't be elected even though Giuliani's tern was going to end. Reporters from NY1 and many other channels awaited outside of City Hall Park saying how mild the voting went. Can't remember what else went on on TV, the only thing remembered was daily routines went along with the news.
8:45 AM, just finished my morning coffee and wondered if I should turn on the computer. The news with mayor election still went on, but something started to bother the sun shine Autumn morning on screen. The reporter muttered something about an abnormal aircraft flew too low and accidentally the camera coughed the image of an air plane roaring across the blue sky of Broadway.
8:46 AM, the plane went straight into the north tower in front of reporters and all the news audiences. I switched the channel to NBC and the morning news anchor started to say a plane just crashed into WTC with possible aircraft failures. On screen, heavy smoke started to raise from the building and the voice of the anchors were mixed with unbilivable and confusion. Everybody thought it was a terrible accident and no one would have espected what's going to happen next.
9:00 AM, viewers and news reporters are still in a total dark of what went on while the situation at the north tower getting sevior. NBC's camera located on Rockfellor Center cought another air plane heading WTC. This time, it happened in front of everyone who's watching the news like bright day light.
9:02 AM, United Airlines Flight 175 made a turn and crashed into the south tower and the news started to announce these two inccidents were terrorism attacks. ( 911 attack by mcsubzero89 )
News started to make all kinds of assumptions and it was said there were at least another 8-10 aircrafts were hijacked. About half hour later, yet another airplane nose dived into the Pentagon, while United Airlines Flight 93 and it's passengers were struggling to take back the plane from hijackers.
09:59 AM, the south tower collapsed.
10:30 AM, the north tower collapsed and the World Trade Center formally went into history.
It must have been some kind of Hollywood film making joke I thought. How could it be possible? How could someone did such horrible things to innocent people? It was real, sadly. From that day NYC was surrounded with emotion, just like the ashed air that covered the city sky. News reports ran the follow up all day long, friends and families tried to reach their love ones from nationwide and across the sea. I just sitted there, wouldn't believe a single scene I've seen on TV.
Related materials:
911 Timeline (minute by minute timeline of 911)
9/11: Five Years Later (full coverage from NBC)
Heaven 911 (by snero02)
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