Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Cows would say "M-O-O" to this story

At the end of last month a news story titled "Livestock a major threat to environment" was published on the FAO newsroom, a subsidiary of the United Nation. The news was about an unbelievable conclusion that cattle are to be blamed for the greenhouse gas emissions than cars.

It is said livestock generates 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, more than what transport can make, and plays an equally important role in land and water degradation.

The news was eventually been broad casted by National News Network with the title of "Who's Really Responsible for Global Warming?", and appeared elsewhere with "Cow contributes for global warming" or "Global Warming: It's the cows, not the cars". ET News, a Chinese news network, used an even more vivid title "牛屁害了地球? 聯合國報告:牛的廢氣污染比汽車嚴重", which can be translated as "Cattle fart kills earth? UN report said cattle fart are worse then cars".

If cows can read, they will defiantly be striking with "MOO"s. After all, it's human who increased the number of livestock due to various reasons from produce to industrial usage. Cattle wouldn't want to be raised, be eatten, and be blamed for the greenhouse gas emission what so ever.

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