Sunday, October 29, 2006
Songs that linger - Until
Until by Sting
This is the theme song for 《Kate and Leopold》, but I was caught attention by the lyric in the first place.
If I caught the world in a bottle
And everything was still beneath the moon
Without your love would it shine for me?
If I was smart as Aristotle
And understood the rings around the moon
What would it all matter if you love me?
Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
With a million dreams to fulfill
And a matter of moments until the dancing ends.
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
Not a solitary thing would I fear
Except when this moment comes near the dancing's end.
If I caught the world in an hourglass
Saddled up the moon so we could ride
Until the stars grew dimUntil...
One day you'll meet a stranger
And all the noise is silenced in the room
You'll feel that you're close to some mystery.
In the moonlight when everything's shadows
You'll feel as if you've known her all your life
The world's oldest lesson in history.
Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
With a million dreams to fulfill
And a matter of moments until the dancing ends.
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
Not a solitary thing do I fear
Except when this moment comes near the dancing's end.
Oh if I caught the world in an hourglass
Saddled up the moon so we could ride
Until the stars grew dim
Until the time that time stands still
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Something about Movie

The Devil Wears Prada (2006) - Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep
Something mentioned in the "New on the Big Screen in October" on HBO about the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" caught my attention the other night. Andy, the newly recruited personal assistant to the famous fashion magazine editor-in-chief Miranda, found a decision effecting her personal life is in need to be made. The question, in short, asks how much would one be willing to sacrifice in trading of what he/she wants. This have been around for so long where the answer seems to be too obvious to mention. It is said one changes, or evolves, along the progress and the more one asks, the less one will remain the same.

I still remembered it was one of my all time favor until now, for the movie was lead by Al Pacino and Robert De Niro, both are fabulous actors, and Val Kilmer. Although I am not that much into De Niro, the other two actors, especially Al, was and still is on my top 10 list. It's a simple movie about good guys and bad guys but with Al and De Niro's act, it's more then a cop and thief movie. It was like life to the extreme level when good and evil were meant to be face to face for one last time.
As to the gunfight scene, I personally think should be counted as the best fighting scene forever. I remembered there was no redundent sound effects for gunshots when the movie was showing in theaters, but all I can find online are those with effects. Was it my bad memory or was it the movie releaser to be blamed I am not sure, but here is the scene and hope you'll like it as much as I do.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
累翻了,想到晚上還有攤,決定打個退堂鼓,回太子休息下先,順便去旺角吃吃那家被推薦的茶餐廳 呵呵~~



Monday, October 09, 2006
燒肉之謎 (BBQ-that's some question)
Thinking about BBQ for a moment, alright, and you tell me if that's some kind of activity you do after 23:30 for 3 days straight. That was the fact, though, happened at the small park near my place.
What you won't smell during dinner time, of course I mean the smell of burned charcoal and grilled meat, somehow starts to float after 23:30 like an alarm. For some reason, I just can't stop wondering who will do things like this and what kind of meat that's sizzling on the grill...
That's not the key issue, unfortunatly, who's grilling what kind of meat. The problem is I have my dinners rather early most of the times so it becomes torture when the smell sneaking in my room late at night. How could I be possibly going to sleep with alluring smell of BBQ that makes my stomache and my soul hungry...
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Very Superstitions
Very superstitions,
Writings on the wall,
Very superstitions,
Ladder's about to fall.
Thirteen month old baby,
Broke the looking glass,
Seven years of bad luck,
Good times in your past,
When you believe in things,
You don't understand,
Than you suffer,
Superstition ain't the way...
With all the scientific evidences proving and/or saying superstitions ain't be counted, I still have to say, my sixth sense is horrifying when it breaks the leash...
You know, it's like something that just will make your hair standing and freak you out of your mind when happened. It did happened... well, let me rephrase it, they did happened... enough for me to try almost everything just to break out of the circle. Nothing was changed I end up figuring, when it stroke me today why I am where I am...
This time, I was really freaked out. The uneasy feeling followed me over a week already and is moving strong. I would want to escape from all these, but how...



Monday, October 02, 2006
除了在入境海關面前說了句"唔該謝",接下來的兩個小時裡用英文可以完成的任務絕對比用國語和廣東話多太多,當然也多虧了香港機場裡個個服務人員雖然中文程度讓人不敢領教,但起碼都能"溜"幾句英文,真是謝天謝地。花了兩個小時,在遠遠望見了維多利亞港的夜景之後,巴士停在一棟肯定有了年紀的酒店前頭,名為旺角的酒店,其實身在太子 (Prince Edward) 地鐵站旁。已經很夜了,雖然執班經理很沒有服務熱忱,但暫時也就算了吧,誰讓自已千挑萬選的避開了電影裡四處都可能會有古惑仔的油麻地和旺角。

讓人辭官都不知該回家吃誰的……大仙嗎? - -